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Mjörns Ångbåtsförening

is an volonteer association with the purpose of keeping the tradition of steamship traffic on the lake Mjörn alive. The association owns and runs the more than 100 year old steam towboat Herbert who is used for both charter and public traffic on the lake. Its possible to become a member of the assication by paying the membership fee of 250 swedish crowns to the Bankgiro 5709-8071 . As a member you get discounts on the fares and the internal magazine "MÅFen" that is published a few times each year. As a member its also possible to attend to the association work which is more than the summer traffic with Herbert. Please feel free to ask the crew for more info.

Mjörn is the second largest lake in Västergötland (Vänern and Vättern excepted) and has a surface of about 55 square km. The largest island is Sunnerö and in the lake there are about 60 named larger or smaller islands. A chart and five lighthouses makes the lake a safe and popular place for trips. Some islands have permanent inhabitants and farms were active as late as the middle of the 1950's. There are also lots of traces from older cultures. Different relics of antiquity tells us that these neighboorhood has been inhabited by humans for almost 9000 years. The area has a rich selection of plants and fauna. Many migratory birds passes here on their trips and there are plenty of fish in the lake. Around the lake you will find several larger mansions with parklike beech- and oak-forests mixed with pastures and meadows. The many islands and bays of the lake gives an explorer lots of things to explore.

Risö is the largest of the islands without any buildings but has not always been deserted. Under a period in the 18 century the island were inhabited and there are also some ruins from that period. Risö has a mix of beaches suitable for baths, old forest and swamp. The entire island is a nature reserve and a popular destination for trips and excursions. Since 1894 is the island also a republic with the purpose to develop and aid the outdoor life on and around the lake Mjörn. Herbert docks at the deep harbour at the southeast side of the island and the stop makes it possible to explore some parts of the island as well as taking a bath in the lake. Dont forget to bring your pic-nic basket when paying a visit to the island.