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Herbert Valeria Loviksbåten Mineral Sanna
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General Herbert Timetable How to find us
Allgemein Herbert Fahrplan Wie finden Sie uns?

How to find us?

The steamship wharf in Alingsås is located about 1.5 km west of the city center. Follow signs for the stadium Mjörnvallen or the hospital. Pass the hospital towards Mjörnvallen and you will find the wharf at the right side of the street called Lövekullevägen. The address is Lövekullevägen 13.(Click on the map for a larger image.)


Some trips depart from the landing at Sjöviksgården. The address is Sörviksvägen 47 in Sjövik and the landing is located at the cape beyond Sjöviksgården about 150m walk from the parking lot. The arrow on the map shows the location of the landing (Click the map for a larger version).


Some trips depart from the landing at cape Strandkullen in Björboholm. Park your car near the former railwaystation and walk the footpath to the landing. The walk is approx 300 meters. The arrow marks the landing and the dots marks the footpath (Click the map for a larger version).

Keep an eye open for our temporary signs that will guide you.